La Ruleta de la Suerte

La Ruleta de la Suerte

Diez años de entretenimiento con eStudio

“Wheel of Fortune” was created in 1973 by Merv Griffin, responsible of many other successful TV formats such as Jeopardy, was firstly broadcasted in 1975 by the NBC. The show is still produced today by Sony Pictures Television and distributed by CBS Television Distribution. Wheel of Fortune is the TV contest with the longest duration in the US television history, and reached the 5.000 programmes in 2009.

The format has been licensed and adapted in more than 30 countries. With different presenters and originally named “La Ruleta de la Fortuna”, the show had its great first period in Antena 3 TV, a second one in Telecinco and a third round back in Antena 3 TV since 2006, changing its name to “La Ruleta de la Suerte”. Since then the production company, Martingala, owner of the “Wheel of Fortune rights” for Spain, started the challenge of improving the contest adapting it to the latest technology. At that time the physical panel changed to a fully virtual one created with eStudio.

El título del programa hace referencia a la ruleta gigante con diferentes opciones que los jugadores hacen girar durante el concurso para descubrir cajas de un panel iluminado, un puzzle de palabras, para descubrir las palabras u oraciones ocultas. El panel consistía originalmente en elementos giratorios que se iluminaban y giraban para mostrar las letras que contenían según se requería, pero poco a poco se fue incorporando la tecnología virtual y digital para flexibilizar sus opciones y dar más posibilidades al juego.

Para saber más sobre este proyecto, por favor descarga el case study o el caso de estudio en español.

  • ProjectEntertainment with eStudio

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