Brainstorm demuestra post-producción en tiempo real en NAB

Olvídese del concepto de "lo arreglaremos en la postproducción", ya que la actual tecnología de renderización fotorrealista en tiempo real puede superar muchos de los típicos problemas que los productores enfrentan cuando entran en la postproducción. Los 25 años de experiencia de Brainstorm en el desarrollo de gráficos 3D en tiempo real, sets virtuales y aplicaciones de realidad aumentada se han trasladado ahora a la producción de cine y teatro. En la NAB, Brainstorm introduce InfinitySet 3.1que introduce una plétora de funciones de renderizado avanzadas de alta gama como el soporte de SLI y el trazado de rayos en tiempo real con las GPU NVIDIA, que, además de su motor de renderizado combinado con el motor Unreal 4.22, permiten a InfinitySet crear el contenido más realista para realidad virtual y mixta, sets virtuales, postproducción en tiempo real y pre-visualización de películas.

InfinitySet takes full advantage of the latest hardware developments announced by NVIDIA, such as NVIDIA RTX GPU, to deliver the best rendering quality available in the market. By using NVIDIA RTX GPUs, InfinitySet can deliver real-time ray tracing, which provides a much more accurate rendering, especially with complex light conditions. Ray tracing offers more natural, more realistic rendered images, which is essential for photorealistic content generation.

Using these technologies, along with other advanced rendering capabilities like the Combined Render Engine with Unreal Engine 4.22, PBR (Physically Based Rendering) materials or HDR (High Dynamic Range), InfinitySet can create virtual content which can’t be distinguished from reality. This opens the door for content providers to use InfinitySet to create amazingly rendered backgrounds and scenes for drama or even film production, significantly reducing costs while opening new sources of revenue. For other broadcast applications such as virtual sets or augmented reality, InfinitySet provides unmatched, hyper-realistic quality both for backgrounds and graphics. Aston, Brainstorm’s 2D/3D motion graphics creation, CG and playout, also takes advantage of the PBR materials, so its compositions can be integrated seamlessly into AR environments created by InfinitySet, matching the image quality obtained with InfinitySet.

Rendering quality not only delivers an enhanced visual experience for the viewers but also represents a significant cost saving feature when using virtual scenes that can’t be distinguished from reality. And going far beyond broadcast, InfinitySet allows for using this technology to get substantial savings in the costs of filming and post-production, ensuring the adjustment of different shots (chroma, camera movements, background tracking, etc). Once everything is prepared in preview, InfinitySet can export the camera data, tracking and movement of the set to enter postproduction in the final format required, either 4K or 8K, with full quality.

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